A. Help from a lawyer
Legal Services Society (“LSS”)
400 – 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A8
Telephone: 604-408-2172
Toll free: 1-866-577-2525
Fax: 604-681-2719; 604-681-6942
LSS provides legal aid in BC. Anyone under the age of 18 can have a lawyer appointed for all Criminal Code and other charges under federal legislation (such as drug charges). They do not have to be financially eligible or meet LSS criminal coverage guidelines.
Representation by a lawyer is available for financially qualifying individuals with serious family law issues or who are involved with MCFD in relation to their children. Qualifying youth who are parents may be entitled to assistance. Youth over the age of 12 whose parents are involved in child protection proceedings may be entitled to legal advice about their role in child protection proceedings.
Duty counsel provide legal advice and assist with court appearances without charge regarding certain matters in family and criminal law cases at various courthouses throughout BC. Family LawLINE provides legal advice in family matters for low income people in BC Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays — 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Wednesdays — 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
Translation is available to assist people making legal aid applications. Recorded messages are in Cantonese, English, French, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Spanish.
Access Pro Bono Society
300 – 845 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 4Z9
E-mail: help@accessprobono.ca
Client number: 604-878-7400 or 1-877-762-6664
Volunteer lawyers provide pro bono legal advice for30 minutes at legal clinics throughout BC. There are also roster programs that provide legal representation in specific areas of law or in particular courts.
Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)
300 – 1140 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1
Telephone: 604-685-3425
Toll free: 1-888-685-6222
Fax: 604-685-7611
CLAS provides legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout British Columbia and currently specializes in the areas of poverty, disability, workers’ compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. The work of CLAS includes: test case and Charter litigation; service case work and law reform; liaison and consultation with community groups; legal supervision of advocacy groups and law students; publication of legal materials designed to assist self-represented litigants; and legal training and support to lay advocates, community groups, law students, and lawyers doing pro-bono work.
BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC)
208 – 1090 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2N7
Telephone: 604-687-3063
Fax: 604-682-7896
Free legal advice and representation for clients with problems in specific areas of law, including utilities regulation, social justice law and poverty law.
Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT)
700 – 808 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3L3
Telephone: 604-775-3480
Fax: 604-660-5095
Email: cyc@trustee.bc.ca
Website: www.trustee.bc.ca
Toll-free calling is available through Service BC. After dialing the appropriate number for your area (below), request to be transferred to the Public Guardian and Trustee (regular office hours 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday).
Vancouver: 604-660-2421
Victoria: 250-387-6121
Elsewhere: 800-663-7867
The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) protects the legal interests of children and youth under the authority of a range of provincial laws. The PGT Child and Youth Services division (CYS) works on behalf of and directly with children and youth, as well as their parents or guardians. The PGT is co-guardian with the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Services Agencies for children and youth who are in the continuing care of the province. The PGT role is to act as property guardian, which means that the PGT is responsible for protecting the legal and financial interests of children and youth in continuing care. As property guardian, the PGT investigates potential legal claims and pursues financial benefits to which these child and youth clients are entitled, such as Canada Pension Plan Children’s Benefits and Registered Disability Savings Plans. The PGT also conducts various financial literacy workshops to help prepare youth for the transition to adulthood.
B. Law Student Legal Clinics
Greater Vancouver Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (“LSLAP”)
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Law, Room 158
1822 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Telephone: 604-822-5791
Fax: 604-822-1661
LSLAP offers free legal advice and representation to persons who cannot afford it throughout the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Their clinicians are law students at the University of British Columbia at all levels of study, and are assisted by accredited members of the bar who provide students with legal advice and guidance for each client.
The Law Centre
1221 Broad Street
Victoria, BC V8W 2A4
Telephone: 250-385-1221
Fax: 250-385-1226
See http://www.thelawcentre.ca for information about the free legal clinics and legal representation by University of Victoria law students in Greater Victoria.
UBC Indigenous Community Legal Clinic
Suite 101 – 148 Alexander Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1B5
Telephone: (604) 684-7334
Toll Free: 1-888-684-7334
Fax: 604-684-7874
Law Students from UBC provide legal services to the Aboriginal community on issues such as Aboriginal rights, civil, criminal and family law, wills and estates, debt, human rights, residential schools, child protection, residential tenancy and status
C. Representative for Children and Youth Advocacy Services
Advocates in the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) work to ensure that the rights and interests of children and youth are protected and upheld, and that their views are heard and considered by decision-makers.
These advocates can help:
- children and youth in care
- young people under a youth agreement
- young people in custody
- children and youth with special needs
- youth with special needs transitioning to adult services and
- some young adults between the ages of 19 and 24
- who are receiving reviewable services or programs provided or funded by government .
For more information about the advocates at the RCY go to https://staging.rcybc.ca/about-us/mandate/advocacy
Advocates funded by the Law Foundation of BC
Legal Advocates can provide information about many legal issues and represent clients dealing with housing, welfare or disability benefits, debt, or other related issues.
Links to all advocates funded by the Law Foundation can be found on the map at http://www.lawfoundationbc.org/
Abbotsford Community Services Society
Ms. Gurcharan Dhillon
Mr. Sarbjit Gill
2420 Montrose Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S9
Tel: 1-604-859-7681
Fax: 1-604-859-6334
Email: Gurcharan.Dhillon@AbbotsfordCommunityServices.com
Email: legaladvocacy@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com
Abbotsford Community Services Society
Ms. Kim Kirkpatrick
Ms. Ilena Candiani
8937 School Street
Chilliwack, BC V2P 4L5
Tel: 604-702-2907
Fax: 604-792-4470
Email: kim.kirkpatrick@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com
Email: Ilena.Candiani@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com
Active Support Against Poverty
Ms. Jody Morrison
Ms. Darlene Fehr
1188 6th Ave.
Prince George, BC V2L 3M6
Tel: 250-563-6112
Fax: 250-563-1612
Email: jody@asaphs.com
Email: darlene@asaphs.com
Atira Women’s Resource Society
Ms. Amber Prince
101 East Cordova Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1K7
Tel: 604-331-1407 (ext. 105)
Fax: 604-688-1799
Email: legaladvocate@atira.bc.ca
Battered Women’s Support Services
P O Box 21503
1424 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC V5L 5G2
Tel: 604-687-1868
Fax: 604-687-1864
Email: legaladvocacy@bwss.org
BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support
Ms. Nighat Afsar
370-1199 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1
Tel: 604-688-1927
Fax: 604-437-1929
Email: nafsar@bcceas.ca
BC Families In Transition
Ms. Pam Rudy
Mr. Douglas Woodall
Mr. David Cox
899 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1E6
Tel: 250-386-4331
Fax: 250-386-4301
Email: pam@bcfit.org
Email: advocate1@bcfit.org
Email: infoline@bcfit.org
Chimo Community Services Society
Ms. Mamdavni Dhami
Mr. Luke Lin
120 – 7000 Minoru Blvd.
Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5
Tel: 604-279-7077
Fax: 604-279-7075
Email: mdhami@chimoservices.com
Email: llin@chimoservices.com
Community Connections Society of Southeast BC
Ms. Noelle Goodfellow
32-13th Avenue
Cranbrook, BC V1C 2V3
Tel: (250) 426-4293
Direct: 1-877-298-2211
Fax: 250-426-2798
Email: ekadvocate@shaw.ca
Contact Women’s Group Society
Mr. Matthew Granlund
PO Box 4094
Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V2
Tel: 250-392-4118
Fax: 250-392-4145
Email: advocacy@womenscontact.org
Disability Alliance BC
Mr. Sam Turcotte
Mr. Peter Beaudin
Ms. Ashley Silcock
#204 – 456 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1R3
Tel: 604-875-0188
Fax: 604-875-9227
Email: sam@disabilityalliancebc.org
Email: peter@disabilityalliancebc.org
Email: ashley@disabilityalliancebc.org
Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society
Ms. Angela Sketchley
1188 Main Street
Box 2920
Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-5211
Fax: 250-847-5144
Email: angiesketchley@yahoo.com
First United Church Community Ministry Society
Ms. Didi Dufresne
Mr. Kim Roberts
Ms. Danielle Sabelli
320 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1P4)
Fax: 604-681-8928
Email: ddufresne@firstunited.ca
Email: kroberts@firstunited.ca
Email: dsabelli@firstunited.ca
Fort St. John Women’s Resource Society
Ms. Sylvia Lane
10051 100th Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 1Y7
Tel: 250-787-1121
Fax: 250-787-7333
Email: povertylaw@fsjwrs.ca
Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society
Ms. Bev Collinson
PO Box 160
Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0
Tel: 250-559-9042
Direct: 250-559-4688
Fax: 250-559-8845
Email: hglegal@haidagwaii.net
Kamloops and District Elizabeth Fry Society
Mr. Erik Nelson
827 Seymour Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2H6
Tel: 250-376-7878
Direct: 250-314-1900 ext. 202
Fax: 250-376-4689
Email: advocate@kamloopsefry.com
Kettle Friendship Society
Ms. Henriette Chabot
Mr. Scott Waters
1725 Venables Street
Vancouver, BC V5L 2H3
Tel: 604-253-7922
Direct: 604-251-4778
Fax: 604-251-2834
Email: hchabot@thekettle.ca
Email: swaters@thekettle.ca
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society
Ms. Yolonda Beaudry
Ms. Debra Apperley
442 Leon Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1Y 6J3
Tel: 250-763-4905
Fax: 250-861-5514
Email: advocate@kfs.bc.ca
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community
Ms. Charlotte Kingsbury
Mr. Mason Heller
11907 228th Street
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8G8
Tel: 604-467-6911
Fax: 604-463-2988
Email: ckingsbury@comservice.bc.ca
Email: mheller@comservice.bc.ca
Ms. Miriam Dell’Orto
1720 Grant Street
Vancouver, BC V5L 2Y7
Tel: 604-254-9626
Fax: 604-629-0061
Email: mjurigova@mosaicbc.com
MPA – Motivation, Power & Achievement Society
Mr. Oscar Hall
Ms. Julie Elliot
c/o Vancouver Provincial Court
222 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 2S8
Tel: 604-660-4292
Fax: 604-738-4132
Email: ohall@mpa-society.org
Email: jelliot@mpa-society.org
Multiple Sclerosis Society, BC & Yukon Division
Ms. Nyssa Lessingham
#1103 – 4720 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2
Tel: 604-689-3144 ext. 7248
Fax: 604-689-0377
Email: nyssa.lessingham@mssociety.ca
Nanaimo Citizen Advocacy Association
Ms. Don McConnel
Ms. Harriet Manson
#114 – 285 Prideaux Street
Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N2
Tel: 250-753-2321
Fax: 250-753-2486
Email: ncaa1@shaw.ca
Email: ncaa5@shaw.ca
Nelson – The Advocacy Centre
Ms. Amy Taylor
521 Vernon Street
Nelson, BC V1L 4E9
Tel: 250-352-5777
Fax: 250-352-5723
Email: advocacycentre@nelsoncares.ca
Nicola Valley Community Justice Services Society
Ms. Andrée Harley
2-2025 Granite Avenue, Box 819
Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: 250-378-9632
Fax: 250-378-9796
Email: andreeh@uniserve.com
North Shore Community Resources Society
Ms. Tannis Boxer
Ms. Michelle Beda
Capilano Mall
Suite 201 – 935 Marine Drive
North Vancouver, BC V7P 1S3
Tel: 604-985-7138
Direct: 604-982-3310
Fax: 604-985-0645
Email: michelle.beda@nscr.bc.ca
Email: tannis.boxer@nscr.bc.ca
Okanagan Advocacy and Resource Society
Tish Lakes
#102 – 3301 24 Avenue
Vernon, BC V1T 9S8
Tel: 250-542-3555 ext. 209
Email: tishlakes@okadvocate.ca
Opportunities Career Services Society
Ms. Brenda Kobzey
#101 – 300 St. Ann’s Street
Campbell River, BC V9W 4C6
Tel: 250-286-3436
Fax: 250-286-0400
Email: brenda.advocacy@shaw.ca
Penticton And Area Access Centre Society
Mr. David Desautels
#209-304 Martin Street
Penticton, BC V2A 5K4
Tel: 250-493-6822
Fax: 250-493-6827
Email: advocacy@pawc.ca
Port Alberni Friendship Center
Ms. Janice Gus
3555 – 4th Avenue
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 4H3
Tel: 250-723-8281
Fax: 250-723-1877
Email: jamos@pafriendshipcenter.com
Powell River Community Services Association
Ms. Joyce Percey
209 – 4801 Joyce Avenue
Powell River, BC V8A 3B7
Tel: 604-485-0950
Fax: 604-485-6168
Email: povertylaw@telus.net
Prince Rupert Unemployed Centre Society
Mr. Ulf Kristiansen
869 Fraser Street
Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1R1
Tel: 250-627-8776
Fax: 250-627-7951
Email: advocate.pruac@citywest.ca
Progressive Intercultural Community Services
Mr. Gurpreet Pabla
#205 – 12725 80th Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 3A6
Tel: 604.596.7722 (ext. 150)
Fax: 604.596.7721
Email: gurpreet.pabla@pics.bc.ca
Quesnel Tillicum Society
Ms. Christine Dunlop
319 North Fraser Drive
Quesnel, BC V2J 1Y9
Tel: 250-992-8347
Direct: 604-992-6066
Fax: 250-992-5708
Email: chris.dunlop@qnfc.bc.ca
SHARE Family and Community Services
Ms. Heather Stacey
200 – 25 King Edward Street
Coquitlam, BC V3K 4S8
Tel: 604-529-5117
Direct: 604-937-6982
Fax: 604-540-1024
Social Health & Economic Development Society of Bella Coola
Ms. Anne Fletcher
PO Box 309
Bella Coola, BC V0T 1C0
Tel: 250-799-0044
Fax: 250-799-0044
Email: afletcher13@gmail.com
Sources Community Resources Society
102 – 13771 72A Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 9C6
Phone: 604-547-0103
Sources Community Resources Society
Sources Women’s Place
Ms. Ram Sidhu
Ms. Rupi Sahota
106-13771 72 A Ave
Surrey BC V3W 9C6
Phone: Alt: 778-565-3638
Email: rsidhu@sourcesbc.ca
Email: rsahota@sourcesbc.ca
South Peace Community Resources Society
Ms. Karen Mitton
PO Box 713
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H7
Tel: 250-782-9174 (ext. 236)
Fax: 250-782-4167
Email: legaladvocate@spcrs.ca
Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre Society
Ms. Emma Lazo
Mr. Andrew Sakamoto
Ms. Zuzana Mudrovic
306-535 Thurlow Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3L2
Tel: 604-255-3099
Direct: 250-418-3090
Fax: 604-255-0772
Email: emma@tenants.bc.ca
Email: andrew@tenants.bc.ca
Email: zuzana@tenants.bc.ca
Terrace and District Community Services Society
Ms. Michelle LaLonde
#200 – 3219 Eby Street
Terrace, BC V8G 4R3
Tel: 250-635-3178
Email: michellelalonde@tdcss.ca
Together Against Poverty Society
Ms. Jen Mathews
Ms. Thea McDonagh
Ms. Yuka KuraKawa
302 – 895 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1H7
Tel: 250-361-3521
Fax: 250-361-3541
Email: ed@tapsbc.ca
Email: incomeadvocate@tapsbc.ca
Email: tadvocate@tapsbc.ca
Email: tenantadvocate@tapsbc.ca
Upper Skeena Counselling & Legal Assistance Society
Mr. David Dickinson
4305 Field Street
PO Box 130
Hazelton, BC V0J 1Y0
Tel: 250-842-5218
Fax: 250-842-5987
Email: david@usclas.com
Vancouver Island North Women’s Resource Society
Ms. Brenda Kobzey
#105 – 1116 Dogwood Street
Campbell River, BC V9W 3A2
Tel: 250-914-0272
Fax: 250-287-3038
Email: brenda.advocacyservices@shaw.ca
Wachiay Friendship Centre
Ms. Karla Brunette
1625B McPhee Avenue
Courtney, BC V9N 5N4
Tel: 250-338-7793 ext. 229
Fax: 250-871-7709
Email: karla@wachiay.com
West Coast Domestic Workers’ Association
Ms. Natalie Drolet, Executive Director
Ms. Adriana Smetzer
302-119 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1S5
Tel: 604.669.6452
Fax: 604-669-6456
Email: natalie@wcdwa.ca
Email: adriana@wcdwa.ca
D. Legal advocacy resources and services
Provincial service in a specialized area of law or to a specific clientele
BC Civil Liberties Association (“BCCLA”)
550 – 1188 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2
Telephone: 604-630-9754
Fax: 604-687-3045
BC Civil Liberties Association provides pro bono legal advice and representation in specific cases concerning civil liberties and human rights.
Disability Alliance BC (“DABC”)
204-456 W. Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1R3
Telephone: 1-800-663-1278
Fax: 604-875-9227
DABC provides advocacy services for people with disabilitiesand produces legal information materials on disability issues.
MOSAIC Legal Advocacy Project
#2 – 1720 Grant Street
Vancouver, BC V5L 2Y7
Telephone: 604-254-9626
Fax: 604-254-3932
MOSAIC provides free information, summary advice, referrals, and legal representation in welfare, tenancy, and employment matters. The organization is known for expertise in immigration law.
Pivot Legal Society
678 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1R1
Telephone: 604-255-9700
Fax: 604-255-1552
Pivot provides pro bono legal information, advice, and representation in criminal, housing, immigration, mental health, and child protection law.
TRAC Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre
Telephone: 604-255-0546
Toll free: 1-800-665-1185
TRAC is a Vancouver-based non-profit organization that offers legal information services via a province wide information hotline for tenants, publications on tenants’ rights, organizes tenants and provides workshops to advocates and the public.
Toll free: 1-800-563-0808
VictimLINK is a phone service that provides information and referral services to victims of crime, and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence. VictimLINK provides service in 130 languages, including 17 North American Aboriginal languages. VictimLINK is TTY accessible and provides interpretation services for all major languages. Call TTY at 604-875-0885. To call collect, call the TELUS Relay Service at 711.
Workers’ Advisers Office (“WAO”)
Ministry of Labour
500 – 8100 Granville Avenue
Richmond, BC V6Y 3T6
Telephone: 604-713-0360
Toll free: 1-800-663-4261
Fax: 604-713-0311
Free legal advice and representation in WCB matters, including appeals, throughout BC. WAO is a proactive, innovative and progressive organization demonstrating excellence in advice, education and representation to workers, their dependents and other stakeholders while fostering safe and healthy workplaces.
Information about legal advocacy services in BC
The following websites provide information about legal advocacy services in various parts of the province.
Law Foundation of BC
1340 – 605 Robson Street
Vancouver BC
V6B 5J3
Telephone: 604-688-4418
The Law Foundation website lists all the projects funded by the Foundation to do legal advocacy and representation, legal education, legal research, law reform, or provide legal library services.
Clicklaw BC provides legal information, education and help for British Columbians. The site makes it possible to search legal topics and formats to help users get the best resource for them.
Telephone: 604-876-8638
Fax: 604-685-7611
E-mail: info@povnet.org
PovNet is an online information service about poverty issues. The website has information about and links to groups that work on poverty issues. It has a helpful link for finding an advocate in various BC communities. Online discussion groups provide an opportunity for advocates to discuss issues with others working on similar topics.