I am pleased that the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth has today appointed an Acting Representative for Children and Youth, effective Nov. 27, 2016.
I am pleased that the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth has today appointed an Acting Representative for Children and Youth, effective Nov. 27, 2016.
This report provides an overview of the Office’s work on behalf of the vulnerable children and youth of B.C. over the past year and a plan reflecting on future goals and objectives. It describes the activities of the Office during …
The provincial government should develop and fund a comprehensive system of substance use services capable of consistently meeting the diverse needs of youth and their families across British Columbia, says a report released today by the Office of the Representative …
The purpose of the Representative for Children and Youth’s reviews and investigations of child deaths and critical injuries is to identify and thoughtfully analyze issues – particularly in service delivery. The intent is to help prevent similar deaths or injuries …
An alarming number of girls in the care of the provincial government – including a highly disproportionate number of Aboriginal girls – have been the victims of sexualized violence while in care, says a report released today by Representative Mary …
Representative for Children and Youth Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond is calling on British Columbia’s Attorney General to intervene in the adoption case of a three-year-old Métis child known as “S.S.” to ensure that the girl’s cultural rights are properly considered in …
British Columbia’s Representative for Children and Youth strongly supports a report issued today by Fostering Change, calling on the B.C. government to ensure that a basic package of support is
put in place to help youth as they transition out of …
Lack of timely access to mental health services contributed to the suicide death of a First Nations teen in 2013 and is continuing to place Aboriginal children and youth at risk, says a new report released by British Columbia’s Representative …
Representative welcomes MCFD plan to conduct broader consultation on the development of a multi-year plan to improve child welfare.